CDT Insider Sentiment Ratio - January 2023: Below Normal Sentiment - Jobs Internships
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CDT Insider Sentiment Ratio – January 2023: below normal sentiment


    Fasten your seat belts

    After an impressive +6.3% in January, it may be difficult to imagine just how negative public sentiment was at the end of 2022. Pushed back by a market trail of -4.9% in December to end a difficult year, the consensus among Wall Street strategists painted a bleak picture for early 2023. At the same time, Bank of America reported that public outflows from equity funds reached an all-time high. Insiders, however, went to the other side of this trade and did something bold in the face of such bleak prospects: they bought their own shares. In stark contrast to the prevailing negative market consensus, we wrote in our January commentary that, historically speaking, the observed rebound in domestic sentiment was a positive near-term signal, indicating to us that the likelihood of further volatility in the decline had diminished. Our conclusion was correct.

    In February, the script changed. Domestic sentiment has soured recently as the market has recovered and now public sentiment is almost exuberant. This divergent view from experts suggests it's time to turn on the fasten your seat belt sign.

    Expect some turbulence ahead.

    How it works


    Predictive model that measures the historical relationship between insider sentiment and the future probability of downward volatility (risk).

    Insider trading activity:

    An insider's stock repurchase activity filtered by proprietary metrics to clean noisy data.


    Executive-level sentiment is an indicator of short-term financial market risk.

    – Low executive sentiment suggests a high level of risk

    – High executive sentiment suggests a low level of risk


    A relationship between current insider trading activity relative to historical patterns.

    – (from 0 to ∞) with a median measurement of 1

    – Below 1 implies a higher than normal level of risk

    – Above 1 implies a lower than normal level of risk


    CDT updates this metric daily and has historically been subject to rapid and possibly extreme changes.

    *This web page is updated monthly and only provides a snapshot of the end of the most recent month.


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    Editor's note: The summary points in this article were chosen by Seeking Alpha editors.

    This article was written by

    CDT Capital Management is a US unleveraged equity hedge fund specializing in insider trading. With unrestricted real-time access to trading, we believe that corporate insiders routinely possess and exploit an asymmetric information advantage over the rest of the market. Our value investing approach aims to leverage this rich source of information by incorporating exceptional internal activities into the framework of CDT's investment strategy and risk management. Founded in 2017, CDT Capital Management operates in New York City.
